For our young breeders

Our young breeders are teenagers and young adults up to the age of 25 who are interested in horses, horse breeding and handling these noble animals. It is not necessary for them to be a member of a breeding association or to already be breeding themselves. What is important is that they enjoy horses and horse breeding.

The Westphalian young breeders are organised in various districts and compete in an annual state competition. This determines the best young breeders, who then represent the Westphalian team at the national young breeders' competition of all German horse breeding associations.

The competition is divided into three age groups: 9-13 years, 14-18 years and 19-25 years. There is also a team classification at the national competition.

In the young breeders' competitions, the participants - divided into age groups - must demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the four sub-tests of pre-sampling, theory, conformation and free jumping judgement.



The focus is on the exchange and the community!

The aim of the horse assessment test is to recognise the advantages and disadvantages of a horse's conformation. Anyone who is familiar with the freedom of the gaits, neck set and the angulation of the limbs will not buy an unsuitable horse so quickly.

The correct presentation of a horse is a skill that you will need again and again in everyday life, be it at the vet appointment, at the conformation test, when buying a horse or at the mare and foal show. If you can present a horse in hand, at the walk and trot, you have a clear advantage.

We look forward to seeing you

We look forward to welcoming new members to our young breeder team. Talk to us and fill out your membership application!



Come and join our team!

Contact person

Christina Berger

Stud book - Mare inspections, Mare inspections catalogues, online foal reporting, foal registration Belgien

+49 251 - 32 809 86

For general enquiries about our young breeder offers, please contact:

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